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Old 04-13-2004, 12:25 PM   #9
Ben E Lou
Morgado's Favorite Forum Fascist
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Greensboro, NC
Improved Usability Added handy right-click menu on player links that allows single click access to many screens and functions that previously required a visit to the player card. No more click fests for demoting/promoting, setting player usage hints etc...

Originally Posted by SkyDog on 2/19/04
Left-clicking on a player takes you to his player card, of course, but have right-clicking give the gamer a windows-style drop-down menu with each of the following options:
  • cut
  • renegotiate
  • make inactive
  • make active (either this or "make inactive" would be greyed out of course)
  • place on IR (for football, disabled list for baseball, whatever it is called for basketball if there is such a thing)
  • set as starter (this might have to be limited to making him a starter at his primary position..but it would help a lot in any game. He becomes the starter, and whoever was listed as starter becomes the #1 backup, and everyone else drops down a slot on the depth chart if necessary)
Each of the drop-downs would either perform the function discussed, or (in the case of renegotiation, for example) take you to the screen that you need to perform that function.

Voila. There you have it. The gamer could then make the vast majority of the decisions that he needs to make from one place.

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