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Old 04-12-2004, 07:23 PM   #170
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Montreal, Qc
Originally Posted by Karim
Yeah, I don't know what is up with Montreal. It's hardly condoned in any other Canadian NHL rink.

I tried a couple of times to explain logically and clearly how some people are here in Quebec, but then I can't understand how dumb these people are. They're the same people that booed Patrice Brisebois night after night during, what?, 4 or 5 years, even when he was our best blueliner, and they're probably the same people that'll vote "yes" at the next referendum because some dudes said that "Les Anglais" were nasty to the french 200 years ago. And they're the same pople that think that their freedom of speech outweighs everything else...even if an arena, before a hockey game, is never the right place to make a political statement, especially one as poor as booing a national anthem.

Anyway here's a sample of what people that booed the anthem are saying on talkbacks today :
Message to Karen Guregian, I'm proud of being a Montrealers and a Canadiens fans. I think you miss the point when your talking about us being "the most ignorant and classless". We have nothing against Bruins or American citizens but all against your governement. The only way we could demonstrate our opinion on "the war policies" of mr. Bush is by booing the anthem. I thought you were able to see a litle ahead. So keep on voting for mister Bushes and keep on receiving booo on the national anthems. We don't like war, we don't want a third world wide war because of USA in Irak, Israel, etc... Fair enough?"
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