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Old 04-05-2004, 09:32 PM   #24
Pro Starter
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Willow Glen, CA
Originally Posted by Draft Dodger
I think they are pretenders, to be honest. 2 years ago they were a dangerous team that everyone was afraid of. I don't think they strike fear in anyone this year, even though they are the #2 seed.

I don't really know why this is, they just don't seem to have that certain something...

DD - to be honest, this is what I'm afraid of. Like I said, I haven't been able to follow it much, but you nailed exactly my line of thinking about the team anyways. However, when we were 'a dangerous team,' we didn't really do much (I don't think we've ever won in the second round before), so maybe this is the year?
Every time a Dodger scores a run, an angel has its wings ripped off by a demon, and is forced to tearfully beg the demon to cauterize the wounds.The demon will refuse, and the sobbing angel will lie in a puddle of angel blood and feathers for eternity, wondering why the Dodgers are allowed to score runs.That’s not me talking: that’s science.
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