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Old 04-03-2004, 07:53 PM   #41
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Back in Houston!
Originally Posted by CamEdwards
it had already reared it's ugly head, WussGawd.

I'm glad some of you are enjoying it. I don't know what it is about the product that I don't like (besides the political philosophy, obviously). It just seems off, somehow. I've heard good things about Randi Rhodes, and I'm guessing she's eventually going to be the big success story. It helps to have a background in commercial radio (even though she worked for the corporate death star known as Clear Channel).

Hm... I can't stand Garofalo when she acts, so I think listening to her for political commentary would scald my brain. Franken was somewhat entertaining in the few minutes I listened and once he gets more used to having a show and the nuances of talk radio, sure, he'll be one of their primary programs (as if he isn't already). BTW, this was the first or second night as I caught the end of his replay and the start of Rhodes.

However, Rhodes just grated on me and seemed really unprofessional. I got the impression of someone who was the younger sibling trying to make fun of the older, established sibling. When I tuned in, I wasn't sure what to expect, but I want something more high minded than the "you smack us, we smack back" type garbage I was treated to.

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