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Old 02-26-2004, 11:41 AM   #134
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Chicago
Season 5 – Closing Commentary

We have to be pleased with the way this season turned out for us. Considering the fact that our entire midfield, with the exception of Reg Nichols, was brand new at the start of the season, a third place finish is more than satisfactory. We figured to be destined to have a relegation match at the end of the season. Instead, our young midfielders performed quite well, and as usual, our defense often kept us in matches where we were otherwise outclassed.

With regards to those young midfielders, two players in particular have really stood out this season. The first is Javier Tejeda, our Chilean sparkplug. To be honest, we weren’t expecting all that much from Javier this season, but he turned out to be a very pleasant surprise. Particularly memorable was his golden goal in the 5th round of the U.S. Open Cup, giving us a 2-1 victory over the San Jose Earthquakes and propelling us to our first ever 6th round appearance.

The other midfielder to make a name for himself this season was less of a surprise. Swiss midfielder Gino Behling was quietly the most consistent performer for us in the midfield this season. He was identified early as perhaps the cream of our midfielder crop, and did not disappoint. He appeared in fifteen competitive matches for us this season, scoring twice.

The winger position opposite Reg Nichols remains the largest question mark for us going into this off-season. Walter Bosch, Ivan Richardy, and Ad Taxwell all continue to jockey for position, each hoping to become a regular starter opposite Reg, but none of them has really stood out ahead of the others as of yet. We will most likely continue to have a bit of a rotation between those three until one of them emerges as our go-to player for the left wing spot.

Overall, I have to say that our prospects are bright for the coming season. Big Reds have promoted out of The Series Of The Beast [tm], leaving a walkover in their place. We will still have to contend with the likes of Neon Genesis Evangelion (who schooled us pretty well this season) and the hated Croats in Miami, but I think we still have a shot at the series title, especially if our young midfielders continue to develop.

Until next season…

Dat A. King.
-Owner and General Manager, SSFC
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