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Old 02-20-2004, 02:12 PM   #522
Godzilla Blitz
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000

Sachmo III survived the short ride back to X-COM headquarters. Once there, Crappy and his staff were able to pump enough snytho-blood in him to stablize his systems. Sachmo III is going to live. Whether he'll fight again is another question. Crappy will operate tonight. He'll attempt to use Tasan's knee as a bridge to get Sachmo III's lower leg back on. We'll know more tomorrow about the outcome.

Naiwf will get one of Blade's eyes, as Blade seemed to hit a lot more of his targets than Tasan did. The color of the eyes don't match, but it should work. All's good.

Japherwaki II won't need any unused body parts. Crappy should be able to sew him up easily.

Shortly after the EU COM Skyranger lands, ASIA COM heads into battle against the second UFO. Another biggie. More Sectoids.

On board:
Split Personality III, Rich, Jeff Nights II, Danny Van Halen, Condors II, Render II, Travis III, Zippy II, Fonzie II, Calis.

Good luck men.

As an aside, we'll move to a new thread with Sunday's mission, as this one is getting kind of long. I'll post a link here when we do.

Last edited by Godzilla Blitz : 02-20-2004 at 02:14 PM.
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