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Old 02-19-2004, 07:55 PM   #505
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: The Mad City, WI
Originally Posted by Godzilla Blitz

A plasma blast flashes across the gap and drills Naiwf in the faceplate, snapping his head back, shattering the faceplate, and driving hot pieces of glass back into Naiwf’s face. One large shard knifes into Naiwf’s left eye, slices it in half, and embeds itself two inches deep into Naiwf’s head. ...

A fierce pain tears through Naiwf’s skull, but he shakes his head…and stays up! ...
After a moment, Naiwf reaches up with his hands, grabs hold of the piece of glass sticking out of his eye, and pulls. Two inches of Crappy glass come out of the socket, and blood streams down Naiwf’s face and into his armor. A wave of black nausea washes over him, but he stays on his feet and bites through the pain. The Time opens a Medi-Kit, pulls out a patch, and rips it into quarters. He drops three of the pieces, and then carefully sticks the remaining one over Naiwf’s shattered socket. The whole procedure takes less than a minute. Naiwf gives a quick thumbs up as the pain killers stream into his head. The two men continue their advance.

Now that is one tough mofo!!!
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