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Old 02-19-2004, 04:45 PM   #489
Godzilla Blitz
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Jeeber D: Damn that Sectoid Leader. Psychic or not, he will pay. We're coming to his house soon. We'll get him.

Blade: Sorry about your death. I think if it happened again, I might have been able to save you. I'm not sure though. They had about ten aliens set up to waste us as we got off, and they were all spread out. The aliens on the UFO had quick access to us as well. I think I could play that mission a dozen times and I'd still lose at least a couple of men. I'm actually kind of thankful we didn't lose more. Our streak of "no-casualty" missions was bound to end sometime.

Jfbbis: Yeah. It was pretty wild for a while there. We were all huddled up around the Skyranger, taking heavy fire. Everytime we moved, something shot us. Japh is one really lucky bastard, though. Knocked off the ramp on the way out, shot in the shoulder later, and survives a charge into the UFO.

Ardent: You're communicating with Sectoid Leader? Careful. They can get in your mind before you know it. Have you been humming Barry Manilow lately? Don't worry about his threat, though. I'll protect you. Oh, wait. That didn't work so well with Tasan. Maybe I should shut up. Um, good luck?

Naiwf: Tasan and Blade have got some eyes they don't need. You've got your pick. Not sure if they'll match your color, but hey, nothing's perfect.

Coffee: Crappy and his men are trying to save Sachmo III's life as I write this. If he survives, your quick work will probably allow them to reattach his leg. They can use Tasan or Blade's knee if they can't find enough of his original one. All is good.

AStott: Dull is good. I like dull.

Kingfc: The phones'll be ringing shortly!

Coming up...
Friday: Sachmo III's fate. Lead in to Mission 87.
Saturday: Skyranger Report
Sunday: Mission 87

Still aiming for a Sunday/Thursday mission posting from now on.
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