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Old 02-18-2004, 01:28 PM   #453
Godzilla Blitz
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Skyranger Transmission

This just in from our EU COM Skyranger...

Skyranger Pilot: Hellooo? Mister X-COM? This is Dory. Um, Commander Bingo told me to call you. He—

X-COM Command: It’s Kodos, Dory. Kodos. Not Bingo.

Skyranger Pilot: Huh? Yes, anyway. Commander Elmo asked me to call you and tell you that—(loud bang) Aaaaah! What was that noise? Someone’s shooting at us! Aargh! Oh my God!

X-COM Command: Calm down there, Dory. Tell us what’s going on. Relax.

Skyranger Pilot: Hello? Can I help you?

X-COM Command: Dory?

Skyranger Pilot: Yes? What do you want?

X-COM Command: Dory, you called us. Tell us what’s happening outside. What did Kodos tell you?

Skyranger Pilot: Oh, I called you? What did Frodo tell me? Oh, I see. Um, what did he tell me? Aha! I remember now. It was about aliens. Yes! That’s right! Aliens! (pause) Does that make sense?

X-COM Command: What about the aliens, Dory?

Skyranger Pilot: (loud boom) Aaargh! There it goes again! That noise! What is that? Heyyyy, look at that. Why is there a man sleeping in the back of the Skyranger? Ew, what’s that red stuff? Oh my! Is he bleeding? Yes, I think he is. There’s someone bleeding all over the back of the Skyranger floor!

X-COM Command: Dory! Tell us what Kodos told you!

Skyranger Pilot: Kodos? You mean Chico, the Commander? (Huge boom) Wow! Look at the fireworks! Pretty! I like fireworks. (pause) Whoa! What was that? Suddenly I felt dizzy and then I wanted to speak Sectoid! Did you know I can speak Sectoid? Maybe I should go out and tell them to stop fighting us. I could say “Weeemuck doooooooo chaaa gofooooo baaaaaa dugga dugga!” Can you speak Sectoid?

X-COM Command: Dory! Listen to me! Tell me what Kodos told you!

Skyranger Pilot: Yes. Ok. I remember! Hey, I remember! He said, “P. Sherman. 42 Wallaby Way. Sydney.” That’s what he said. I remembered! Heyyyy, was that a leg I saw flying by the window? Whoa! Look, it is a leg! What’s that doing there by itself? Looks like someone forgot something, that’s for sure. Better head right out and pick that up. Don’t want to be leaving those things lying around where someone could trip over them. I could use a leg. Get rid of these fins. Heyyy, if I look out the window, I can see another guy lying down. Shouldn’t he be working? Heyyyy you! (tapping on window) Mister soldier! Time to get up! Do these guys get enough slee—

(Transmission terminated by X-COM Command)

Last edited by Godzilla Blitz : 02-18-2004 at 01:33 PM.
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