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Old 02-17-2004, 03:47 PM   #16
Bonafide Seminole Fan
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Miami
Originally Posted by nilodor
That brings back one of my worst high school memories. I was creeping in from my corner spot looking like I was going to blitz and just as the ball was snapped I pulled out of the blitz and camped 4 or 5 yards off the left side of the line. Before the QB realized I had pulled back he threw a pass to the upback releasing into the flat. The second they caught the ball I was going damn near full tilt and just creamed them. Good ol' fashion decleater, the ball must of gone 15 yards backwards from impact. I stood up and was going to help them up when I looked down the back I just layed a lick on was a womyn and she wasn't doing so good. They had to pull her off on a stretcher and I found out a while later that she had broken 2 ribs. I was damn near mortified. I hated injuring people but hurting a girl, damn near made me sick.

That right there is the reason why women should not play with men. In little they had a few girls play but if I remember correctly they were not to play anymore because the guys would gang tackle and cop a feel.
Subby's favorite woman hater.
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