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Old 02-15-2004, 04:33 PM   #114
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Chicago
Week 12 Training Update

As stated previously, we’ve decided to concentrate on the play of our wingers for a couple of weeks, and the decision has paid immediate dividends, as both Reg Nichols and Ad Taxwell showed immediate improvement.

Reg Nichols

Position: Winger
Jersey #16

18 years old, passable (6) form, healthy.

A pleasant guy who is balanced and honest.
Has wretched (2) experience and inadequate (5) leadership abilities.

Specialty: Technical

Nationality: American
Assessed Value: $453,000
Wage: $1,880 per week

Stamina: Passable (6)
Playmaking: Solid (7)
Winger: Formidable (9)
Scoring: Weak (4)
Goaltending: Disastrous (1)
Passing: Poor (3)
Defending: Weak (4)
Set Pieces: Passable (6)

Ad Taxwell

Position: Winger
Jersey #9

18 years old, solid (7) form, healthy.

A sympathetic guy who is temperamental and honest.
Has wretched (2) experience and poor (3) leadership abilities.

Nationality: English
Assessed Value: $225,000
Wage: $1,284 per week

Stamina: Passable (6)
Playmaking: Solid (7)
Winger: Excellent (8)
Scoring: Poor (3)
Goaltending: Disastrous (1)
Passing: Poor (3)
Defending: Wretched (2)
Set Pieces: Poor (3)

Form Changes

Four players improved in form this week:
-Midfielder #6 Agustin Alustiza -> solid (7)
-Goalkeeper #13 Darryl Read -> solid (7)
-Winger #9 Ad Taxwell -> solid (7)
-Forward Forrest “Gump” Tobias -> inadequate (5)

14 players saw their form remain the same this week.

Three players dipped in form this week:
-Winger #16 Reg Nichols -> passable (6)
-Midfielder #4 Jaimy van de Kerkhof -> passable (6)
-Winger #23 Ivan Richardy -> inadequate (5)

After last week’s incredible improvements in the form department, we rather expected to see a bit of a dip this week. We were pleasantly surprised to see that things pretty much stayed as is.

In The Zone

Four players remain in excellent (8) form this week for the second week in a row:
-Midfielder #19 Gino Behling
-Defender #2 Cameron “Big Mac” McDonald
-Forward #12 Guido Metman
-Defender #24 Sven Svensson

Form Dogs

Forrest “Gump” Tobias finally gets out of the doghouse, but it is too little and too late. The recent acquisition of Fidel Lourenso has made Gump expendable, and he has been placed on the transfer market. The two remaining form dogs are strikers German Galvez and Johannes Henriksson, both in weak (4) form.

Player Value

Average Player Value: $338,043 (+$3,816)
Total Player Value (23 players): $7,775,000 (+$422,000)

The acquisition of striker Fidel Lourenso has naturally skewed the numbers for this week.

Assessed Value Milestones

-Winger #9 Ad Taxwell ($225,000)

Up Next: The weekly youth squad disappointment and financial update. Stay tuned.
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