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Old 02-08-2004, 04:08 PM   #205
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Concord, MA/UMass
Originally Posted by Buddy Grant
Adam West: "Poor, deluded child."

Let's see. There were weapons. (We know this because they were used in the past and there were stockpiles documented after the first Gulf War.) Almost everyone, including Saddam and almost every major US politician, believed he still had them. Now we can't find them. This is a problem. This is a very big problem, but let's look at the possible explanations. Either he never had them in the first place (probably true to an extent, but let's not forget he used them in the past), he moved/hid them and they are still out there (quite possible, Kay seemed to think Syria had some) or Saddam destroyed them all and instead of showing the proof to the UN so he could have sanctions lifted and begin exporting oil he chose to perpetuate a myth that became the expressed rationale for a war to remove him. I don't buy number three.

Now, maybe Dutch is overstating the potential timeline for getting nuclear weapons, but I just don't see how that quote shows him to be deluded.
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