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Old 02-07-2004, 11:03 PM   #193
Vinatieri for Prez
College Starter
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Seattle
Originally Posted by Bubba Wheels
Kerry will never be able to stand up to the scrutiny of the general campaign. Already I'm hearing that people/large corporations were granted large favors right after campaign donations were given to Kerry. If true, it makes him a crook, period. People just don't know Kerry right now, but his sleeze factor appears to be pretty high, and his personality is not "likable' like Bush's is. If Edwards can win a couple, he may be the dark horse.

Sources???? Or does this come from your intimate knowledge of the Kerry campaign.

Large favors to contributors, a crook?? You've just identified almost all politicians, including Bush. To think otherwise is ridiculous. I am pretty sure your accusations of criminal activity will either come out (and you will be happy because Kerry will go to jail) or more likely won't. It really doesn't matter anyways, the voters will be swayed on what they think the Prez will do for them, and Bush's message is lost on the average person at this point.

Tax cuts (in the form of check for $600 on summer) doesn't cut it.

My favorite expression coined this winter by the white house is "jobless economic growth." Good for investors, not good for the average American.

By the way I am neither Republican or Democrat, but I am a realist looking for someone who will do the best job. Bush has been terrible so far, can't see how anything will get worse with Kerry in there.
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