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Old 02-07-2004, 03:28 PM   #172
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Here and There
Originally Posted by Peregrine
Well, this is a very ironic statement, given our stance of turning a blind eye to brutal authoritarian regimes that don't happen to have large amounts of oil. If we were truly interested in doing the right thing in Iraq, rather than settling a score from the President's father's administration, I would be more accepting of this argument. Where is the President's cry to "do the right thing" in Pakistan, a nation ruled by a military dictator who overthrew the democratically elected government, and which we now know has been selling nuclear technology to anyone who is interested? Seems to me they're looking pretty similar to the imaginary nation whose aggressive WMD programs and desire to spread such technology around had the word Iraq painted over it by the administrations spin doctors in the leadup to the war.

The last time I checked, Afghanistan doesn't have huge oil reserves. We can't be everywhere at once. You have to pick your battles. Based on your statement, we should invoke military action in a large portion of countries around the world, including China, since brutal dictatorships are far more common than democracies. The current focus is on stamping out countries that actively support terrorist attacks against the US. I don't believe Pakistan meets that objective.

On an aside:

As for the French government, they can burn in hell. Instead of being grateful for our assistance in the past two world wars they resent needing our help. If Vietnam had been a success, I think the French government's collective head would have exploded. They have been a second rate power since the fall of Napolean. Their government's actions have never deserved any respect.
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