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Old 02-07-2004, 11:46 AM   #165
Bubba Wheels
College Starter
Join Date: Jan 2004
Originally Posted by ISiddiqui
Where did I ever say they'd go to war? I said they'd be less adamant and vocal. I do wish you would read my posts.

From Iraq? No one was under credible threat of WMD attack from them. Have we found any yet?

The diplomatic world is a close-knit one with definite rules. Bush II did not follow them, while his father definetly did. That was the main difference between the two US-Iraq wars. Even the USSR did not veto the action in 1991... THAT is some diplomacy.


Only because Powell MADE Bush go. And the rest of the world knew it. They knew that Bush was only going because his SecState said he had to and had no intention of giving a damn what the UN said.

How many people are protesting (and going into) even worse humanitarian cases? Where are US troops in Burma, where were we when Rwanda was going on, why did we wait so long to enter Liberia? They were protesting because the way Bush totally bungled the justification, it looked like naked aggression.

He NEVER stressed the humanitarian reason for war. He stressed WMD... which aren't there. Oops.

ISSIDIQUI, you are the most dangerous of dangerous to most, you are someone who actually reads, bases his opinions on facts, and are independent of the usual 'talking points' heads that parrot the lazy media. Good Job!!
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