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Old 02-07-2004, 10:06 AM   #162
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Tampa, FL
Originally Posted by ISiddiqui
But it was said that we knew where those WMD are. Where are they? If they are buried sooo far underground was it really an imminent threat, if they exist at all? I doubt it.

If this war was because of WMD it's been a failure. If it was for replacing a bloody dictator, we sold it dramatically wrong.

You say Tomato, I say....Tomato.....(hmmm, doesn't translate well on a message board). However, the point is that we did what we had to do.

President Bush listed "bloody dictator" as one of many reasons for replacing Saddam. Are you saying he never did?

If he did sell the ousting of Saddam Hussein on the sole cause of being a "bloody dictator" and only a harm to his own people with no designs on fighting the US, would you have believed that story with everything we learned from President Clinton and Bush Sr's WMD evidence?

And if Saddam Hussein did make up the whole WMD story, do you suggest that every rogue nation should be able to blackmail us by suggesting they have WMD? And the only way to get them to play more responsably in the world community is for us to "prove" they have it with satellite imagery?
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