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Old 02-07-2004, 02:15 AM   #158
Vinatieri for Prez
College Starter
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Seattle
[quote=Glengoyne]While the US and Great Brittain were standing up at the UN sharing intelligence that showed Saddam had yet to disarm, no one stood up and said we were wrong. It wasn't just our intelligence agency that dropped the WMD ball in Iraq, it was all of the Intelligence agencies of the world.

I don't quite agree. The reasons the UN and many other countries didn't back the war was because they had a look at the info the US was relying on for proof of WMD, and were NOT convinced enough to back the war. Plus, it is doubtful many of those countries - like Canada and many western European countries- missed the ball because they simpy don't have a worldwide intelligence setup to investigate the WMD issue.

My thought on Saddam was that he needed the myth of WMD to remain powerful in the eyes of other Arab states and to AVOID a U.S. invasion because of the threat. However, he ultimately chose wrong. Actually, either choice was wrong because I am pretty sure when Bush got into the White House, he was intent on going into Iraq (even prior to 9/11).
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