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Old 02-07-2004, 02:03 AM   #157
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Fresno, CA
Originally Posted by Galaril
My thoughts exactly I wonder how anyone could still be buying the "WMD" reason.In fact, when you here the Bush administration talk about it thses days it doesn't even sound like they are buying it either!

It's pretty obvious that the WMD dog doesn't hunt anymore. It looks now like it was all gone before hand. Don't try and sell that anyone knew that beforehand. For the past twelve years all we have heard was that Saddam was refusing to disarm. In '99 President Clinton declared that Saddam and his WMD stash was a threat. In 2002 A number of democrats echoed those sentiments, even some of those running for President now. While the US and Great Brittain were standing up at the UN sharing intelligence that showed Saddam had yet to disarm, no one stood up and said we were wrong. It wasn't just our intelligence agency that dropped the WMD ball in Iraq, it was all of the Intelligence agencies of the world.

I am beginning to wonder if Saddam himself wasn't actually spreading misinformation. Others have suggested that it was his science advisors that were "duping" Saddam while bilking his WMD program funds. I don't know what the scenario was, but when you factor in his generals all being confident that WMD would be used in the defense of Baghdad you have to at least consider it a possibility that Saddam was helping to perpetuate the thought that he had WMD while protesting loudly that he did not.
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