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Old 02-07-2004, 12:22 AM   #155
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Originally Posted by ISiddiqui
Where are those missing stockpiles? Where are those WMD's? Where are those delivery systems which would make it a threat to us? You say the paper trial died when it came to destruction... if that is the case, we'd surely have found SOMETHING by now?

But it was said that we knew where those WMD are. Where are they? If they are buried sooo far underground was it really an imminent threat, if they exist at all? I doubt it.

If this war was because of WMD it's been a failure. If it was for replacing a bloody dictator, we sold it dramatically wrong.

My thoughts exactly I wonder how anyone could still be buying the "WMD" reason.In fact, when you here the Bush administration talk about it thses days it doesn't even sound like they are buying it either!
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