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Old 02-06-2004, 10:39 PM   #150
Vinatieri for Prez
College Starter
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Seattle
Originally Posted by Galaril
I agree one hundred percent on the political topic.BTW I wanted to congratulate you on the PATS superbowl victory from a Titans fan.You guys had a great year and we sure did have a hell of a playoff game with you guys up their in Foxboro.I am from the Boston area born and bred out in the Worcester area.These days I am out here in the "Empire's" hinderland in South Korea in the US Air Force.Anyways sorry to get off topic I was just feeling alittle homesick all of a sudden.I guess it must be the couple of bottles of Korean beer I drank earlier tonight.Later.

Thanks. That game was close. I must admit while at the time I thought the Pats played better than the Titans, I shuddered when I saw what's his name (Bennett?) leaping for the catch in the final minutes, and then collapsed in glee when it fell to the ground. Great game, Titans played well. They will be around for a few more years. It should be interesting to see what they do with George and Kearse.
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