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Old 02-06-2004, 02:27 PM   #139
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Concord, MA/UMass
Here we go again

Originally Posted by Galaril
No disrespect but this almost had me falling out of my chair"Bush is much better on Foreign policy" are you kidding.I live over seas and if pissing off every country in the world is a good foreign policy approach then I haven't heard of it before.I live in korea and have traveled to a dozen or so countries and unequivocally the same thing comes back to me is that Bush is a authoratarian dictator who wants to take over the world these are not my words.Now I supported/voted for Bush in the last election but other than bombing Afghanistan I think Bush's foreign policy especially foreign relations are a dismal failure. I know many will say that is other countries problem if they don't like us but aren't the ones who have been trying to sell the world on globalization and world cooperation.So, is that it we play both sides depending on the situation.
Obviously there are a lot of people that disagree on the foreign policy. Here is what I posted in another thread yesterday:
I believe strongly in the power and sovereignty of the United States over the United Nations, which I view as a corrupt club filled mostly with dictators and countries looking out only for their interests. I believe we have done and are doing great things in Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq and that we can't afford to stop there and withdraw our forces now. If we adopted an isolationist policy (which is what relying on everyone agreeing with our actions would become) the steady flow of progress would stagnate in much of the world. The US is by no means perfect when it comes to foreign policy, but I believe in helping out those less fortunate to the extent of providing freedom and the base for democracy/capitalism, and if we did not stand up for these beliefs nobody else would, whether because of self-interest (France, Russia, etc.) or the inability to do so (Australia, Great Britain, etc.)
I believe in doing the right thing whether or not it is appreciated by others. And there are many countries that are standing alongside us. At least 34 are fighting/helping alongside us in Iraq.

Last edited by BishopMVP : 02-06-2004 at 02:28 PM.
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