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Old 02-06-2004, 02:11 PM   #138
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Join Date: Jan 2004

Originally Posted by BishopMVP
I'll avoid quoting people because I'm lazy. I'm a neo-conservative moderate who favors balanced budgets and civil liberties, but Bush is much better on foreign policy and I just don't think Kerry (or Edwards or Clark) would be any better on the other two issues. The spending proposals of every Democratic candidate are much higher than Bush's and I think there is a decent chance he'll restrain his buy everybody off approach once he doesn't have to worry about re-election. And as much as I dislike John Ashcroft, if you don't remember, Janet Reno was even worse.

No disrespect but this almost had me falling out of my chair"Bush is much better on Foreign policy" are you kidding.I live over seas and if pissing off every country in the world is a good foreign policy approach then I haven't heard of it before.I live in korea and have traveled to a dozen or so countries and unequivocally the same thing comes back to me is that Bush is a authoratarian dictator who wants to take over the world these are not my words.Now I supported/voted for Bush in the last election but other than bombing Afghanistan I think Bush's foreign policy especially foreign relations are a dismal failure. I know many will say that is other countries problem if they don't like us but aren't the ones who have been trying to sell the world on globalization and world cooperation.So, is that it we play both sides depending on the situation.

Last edited by Galaril : 02-06-2004 at 02:12 PM.
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