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Old 02-06-2004, 12:23 PM   #135
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Here and There
Originally Posted by WussGawd
Actually, he's trailing 53-46 to a hypothetical Kerry candidacy according to the recent McPaper, er, USA Today poll. To put that in historical terms, there have only been 2 Presidents trail that miuch in such a poll to a would-be nominee in February...Truman, in 1948, came back and won against Dewey, while the most recent case, Ford, in 1976, lost to Carter.

What makes you think Dubya isn't "saying anything"? Or do you think it is just a coincidence he just happened to schedule what amount to stump speeches at taxpayer expense in New Hampshire and South Carolina two days after the Democratic primaries in those states?

Still, Until we have a Democratic nominee in place, and a VP candidate in place, any such poll has a big red asterisk next to it labeled 'hypothetical.'

I didn't realize USA Today was running polls in 1948. And, as we all know by now, the popular vote means zip. I think anyone from Masachusetts will run into a big problems outside of the Northeast and Minnesota. He may get 100% in Massachusetts, but I don't see him playing well in the South. Although Atlanta is now New Jersey, Georgia, so that may help.
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