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Old 02-06-2004, 12:18 PM   #134
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Here and There
Originally Posted by Buccaneer
I just don't believe it is the federal govt's role to create jobs. All it should do is to get out of the way of entrepreneurship. Things will go in cycles (witness of the PC revolution of the 1980s and the Internet/telecom revolution of the 1990s) and the South with its relative lack of educated workforce seems always lag behind in the revolutions. You cannot keep making buggy-whips if it is not profitable to do so and the govt should not force that.

The answer is not why the govt didn't force jobs elsewhere into the South (outside of Atlanta) but why is it so hard for a critical mass of companies (esp. well-paying ones) to want to move there - as oppose to the Bay Area, Puget Sound, Front Range Colorado, Las Vegas, Texas, Northern Virginia and other high growth/high paying areas.

Additionally, I think you missed my argument that Bush's record is much more of a centrist (re: liberal Republican) than it is perceived to be.

Amen brother. It's really too bad Hong Kong got returned to China or I'd have moved there by now.
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