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Old 02-06-2004, 10:47 AM   #132
Pro Starter
Join Date: Jan 2004

Originally Posted by Vinatieri for Prez
G, P, and I:

Glad to have you on board. Fiscally responsible and respect for personal freedom is the way to go. Which is why Clinton rolled on through. IF Bush loses the election, it may end up hurting the Republicans for some years to come because it will still be fresh in people's minds (and constantly referred to by the Democrats) how he has swayed so far from the ideals of the Republican base and has become a worse spender than Democrats. It will not be a good track record for the next Republican trying to win the White House.

Frankly, I have been completely amazed by this administration even in terms of domestic policy. The spending is out of control and everywhere you look the government is trying to get into your personal life. Something I did not expect. The appointment of Ashcroft was a joke. You guys are the perfect example of what I have been hearing anyways which is that Bush is in trouble with a lot of the Republican base.

With all that is going on on the home front, I still can't believe the State of the Union Address discussed STEROIDS and MARS. What the hell were these guys thinking? I think in the end you can sum it up by saying they are simply OUT OF TOUCH with Americans.

You heard it here first (or maybe sixth): Dems win in November provided they pick the right message. I wouldn't hit the war too hard but simply focus where Bush has really screwed up -- at home.

I agree one hundred percent on the political topic.BTW I wanted to congratulate you on the PATS superbowl victory from a Titans fan.You guys had a great year and we sure did have a hell of a playoff game with you guys up their in Foxboro.I am from the Boston area born and bred out in the Worcester area.These days I am out here in the "Empire's" hinderland in South Korea in the US Air Force.Anyways sorry to get off topic I was just feeling alittle homesick all of a sudden.I guess it must be the couple of bottles of Korean beer I drank earlier tonight.Later.
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