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Old 02-06-2004, 09:36 AM   #126
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Colorado

Again, I will bring up an earlier post

I didn't see anyone mention the FY 2005 Federal Budget. There were 20+ general categories. Did anyone pay attention to the pct increase/decrease???? There are those here (like NoMyths) that wants to make something called "fiscal responsibility" as an anti-Bush campaign theme. Okay, I would go along with that. Will you and others join me in declaring instead of a handful of categories going down in pct points, that all of them should (as a way of avoiding any drastic cuts in any one area)? Why propose a budget of $2.4t instead of $1.85t if you are so concerned with the budget deficit??? But I suspect that no way you (or Kerry or anyone else) would do that (regardless if the actual approval of such numbers falls with Congress instead of the president). I firmly believe that one should always submit a budget without a deficit by cutting spending and not raising any more taxes. But no one has the guts to do so and therefore, I don't want to hear anything about "fiscal responsibility" in this year's campaign.
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