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Old 02-05-2004, 05:27 PM   #96
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
I think regardless of whether Kerry picks Edwards or not the be his Vice Presidential Running mate, I dont think he'll sway those people down south. although winning Florida would alleviate some of the loss of the southern states on election night.

If Kerry wins the nomination which certainly looks solidified at this point, he could pick Edwards, Edwards will be able to provide and possibly sway some southern votes to Kerry's side. However, if he were to pick General Wesley Clark (only instance, where a former Lieutenant would be the superior of a retired General, which would be downright wrong), Clark's campaign has great fund-raising skills and that could prove advantageous for the both of them. We could even say someone that's not running for the nomination could be the running mate, however right now, it is still up in the air.
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