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Old 02-05-2004, 01:29 AM   #231
Godzilla Blitz
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
ShaefIllini: Welcome aboard! You, The Herd, and Hoops Guy are on your way to lovely Africa!

Swaggs: Actually, you're getting up there in missions. The game seems to like bravery too.

Thomkal, Coffee: I was amazed that no civilians died. I think the best we've done up to now has been about 10 dead. The amazing thing about this last mission, though, was that I think it was only about five turns long. We took out four aliens on turn one, two more on each of the next three turns, and then one on the last one. There were civilians near the Floaters, but I think the civilians were in the houses and the aliens were outside. Because we came down in open ground right in the middle of the battle field, with good sight lines to our Skyranger, I think the aliens just came for us instead of looking for the civilians. Our crappy starting position was probably the best thing for us on this mission.

Vince, Tucker, Thomkal, Illinifan: Thanks!

Vince: Yeah, except for that bravery, your guy's not bad at all. Could be interesting. If he has good PSI skills, I think he could make a good agent.

Ardent: It's going to be interesting to see who covers your back when you go into battle. You might want to warm up Ardent Enthusiast II.

Chuck: Yup. Good job. One for one!

Naiwf: Sorry to scare you. Nice shot, though. Turned the mission around for us.

Barkeep: Thanks. I'm happy with how I played that one. I thought for sure we were going to lose a few men getting out of the Skyranger. The Blaster Launcher shot worked better than I could have hoped. I'm sure I'll make up for this good mission with some dopey mistake down the road, though. It's still a very dangerous game we're playing. I always feel like we're one alien shot away from disaster, and without a doubt there's death in our future.
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