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Old 02-05-2004, 01:21 AM   #77
Vinatieri for Prez
College Starter
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Seattle
Originally Posted by CamEdwards
The whole "Bush went AWOL" thing has been found to be without merit, which is why mainstream media doesn't talk about it anymore. I myself find it funny that the party that nominated and elected Bill Clinton for two terms now is going ga-ga over a candidate with a war record.

Kerry is ranked as more liberal than Ted Kennedy by a liberal watchdog group (I'll try and provide a link after I get off the air) and has been for years. I think the reason why his poll numbers are so high right now is because the negative stories haven't hit yet.

Because Clinton didn't lie about his military non-service, and Bush may have.

Watchdog groups serve certain masters, so if you are offering those up as some kind of objective analysis to make a point, it has little weight if any.
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