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Old 01-29-2004, 04:28 PM   #51
Godzilla Blitz
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000

I’ve just gone through everyone’s stats, updated all the base assignments, and tallied up all the kill totals. All these stats are based on the game after mission 80, which is where I left off playing right when my daughter was born. Since it would be a little silly to post the future before it happens, I’ll be posting the recaps for missions 79 & 80 today, then putting up the stats right after that. Both 79 and 80 were out of the USA COM base, and that was when the base was mostly filled with inactive agents, so all I have are the brief mission summaries. Since most of the agents at USA COM are now active agents, I’m going to full writeups for USA COM, EU COM, and ASIA COM after mission 80.

Also, I just wanted to fill people in on how an agent’s career will unfold. We’ve now got five bases scattered around the world. Three of them (USA, Europe, and Asia) are attack-capable bases for us. Each of these bases will normally have around 15 agents in them, and we’ll do full mission writeups for all of the missions at/from these bases. Two of our bases (South America and Africa) are non-military bases that do not have attack capabilities. Each of these bases will have 5-10 agents stationed as a guard force. These agents will only be part of writeups if, by some chance, their base gets attacked.

Basically, this means that we’ll have three groups of agents on active duty, two groups that are on guard duty, and a third group waiting at home for the phone to ring to get called to action. In short, people will move through the system in the following order:

1. Waiting List
2. Guard Duty at AFR COM
3. Guard Duty at SAM COM
4. Active Duty at USA COM, or EU COM, or ASIA COM

On other thing to know. In order to get as many current readers involved in the dynasty as possible, there are a couple of places where you’ve got to confirm your presence by posting a reply to a call up. Between the waiting list and guard duty, and between guard duty and active duty, I’ll post your name requesting that you confirm you’re still reading and ready for the next step up in action. Basically, we’re trying to avoid having people who no longer visit the thread getting in the action and tying up spots for people who would like to be more involved. Also, the replies, comments, and writeups from the agents make the dynasty so much better. Lastly, if you die, let me know that you want your offspring to continue fighting. Any kind of a post after you die is good enough.

That’s about it. Up next, a recap of the USA COM action in France.

Last edited by Godzilla Blitz : 01-29-2004 at 04:30 PM.
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