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Old 01-28-2004, 01:23 PM   #47
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Tampa, FL
Originally Posted by dan_garlick
First off, to use the word "volunteered" for "GW" hiding out I mean...entering the Air National Guard during the Vietnam War is an amusing choice of words.Now serving in the ANG during 'Nam', though not without honor ,could not be portrayed(except on Fox News I suppose) as charging into the fray of battle.And I am in the "active" duty Air Force as a captain serving with the 36th Fighter Squadron at Osan AB, SOUTH KOREA(going on four years in KOREA/JAPAN).I thought the landing on the aircraft carrier to ridiculous.JUST MY 2 CENTS WORTH.

You think the way you do because you either a.) Don't like Bush or b.) Are a Democrat.

I like George Bush, I am a moderate Republican, and don't see a problem with him joining the National Guard, I don't think FoxNews ever portays him joining the National Guard as a battle hero, and thought the landing on the aircraft carrier was a big morale boost to the men and women who bust their ass for him. But sometimes officers don't really give a fuck about the morale of their troops so I know where you're coming from.
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