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Old 01-27-2004, 10:05 PM   #224
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Lawrence, KS
I need some help for Evillive. Last week, bradley went for 3 stars, mostly because I used the pressing tactic and he's powerful. I inserted him into the lineup for mayes who was suspended. Mayes usually gets 2.5-3 stars, and bradley has been up and down for me, sometimes as low as 1 star. They have almost identical skills, solid defenders, but mayes has passable passing which jacks up his value to 123k. Bradley is at about 50k. The other two defenders are set for me. So, I am thinking about going with a 4-4-2 pressing. My 3rd middies isn't all that good, and both of my wings are studs. I just got rid of a scorer this week. He'd scored all of 1 goal for me, and I paid way too much for him, so I will have a slightly less talented scorer for teh match. My scoring has been so bad anyway that I usually only score event goals.

Gottman has been tanking in form, and he had a pretty rotten game last week. Should I stay with the 3-5-2 to bolster the midfield since he has been so terrible lately, and if so which defender to I go with. I know we just talked about midfield being all, but I wanted to know what you all think.
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