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Old 01-26-2004, 10:57 AM   #123
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
Originally Posted by Calis
Heh,'s not your fault at all, just messing with ya.

Hopefully you can break the curse with this command of Panzers! Fight the man!

Im just messin too man..hopefully my panzers can due a good job...i seem to now be the lead(with you of course ) of the assualt in the middle(by far the weakest in troop strength of the three sectors, but not in spirit)...if this is not a call for a hero or two, i dont know what is. Lets take it to em calis!

Orders: I would like for my tanks to attempt to clear the opening that lies in front of us as quickly as possible...The house appears to be the only cover for a short while, so for speed reasons, if Clais wanted to hop on to clear the field my boys would be much obliged. From there we can hit the isolated objective flag to our front-right. If Kingfc would cover the movement over the field, we would return the favor after getting across.

Any ideas King and Calis?
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