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Old 01-22-2004, 03:51 PM   #72
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Kansas
Looks like I've got a ways to go still before hitting my destination, so I'll probably just be riding it out this turn.

If there is time, I'd do as planned..just have my boys dismount and set up in that group of trees.

Just as an aside, the pics aren't too dark..but the text you added in is about impossible to read when it's over the fields. No biggie, but I might've ruined my eyesight by trying to figure out which of my squad's was where. Might just be my monitor though, so don't sweat it.

We'll also have to reconsider what to do with Blade's boys, looks like they're stuck in the middle of a rather nasty place, and their ride wasted no time hauling butt out of there.

Do we want to just set up shop at our appointed positions and wait for them to catch up? Or do we press on with that weakness in the Center and use Blade's boys as a reserve to place wherever it's needed?

Heh, I'm just trying to come up with questions to ask..not sure how much we wanted to rush this Southern assault.
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