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Old 01-20-2004, 04:28 PM   #46
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Chicago
Okay, I'd like to be able to cover as much ground as possible, while still remaining relatively safe, before we have to dismount and slog it on foot. The first objective for the infantry is to take the 2nd "line" of trees. By this I mean the following three groups of trees.

1. On the far right (south) past the pond, the group of evergreens. Securing this group of trees is assigned to samifan24
2. In front of The Afoci's halftracks, the 2nd group of trees. They look to be a mixture of evergreens and deciduous. Taking this area is assigned to Blade's platoon.
3. To the front and slightly to the left (north) of Calis' group, the small group of deciduous trees, roughly in line with the first two. Securing this area falls to Calis and his platoon.

I request that the current mechanized groups (The PzIIIs, PzIVs, and tucker's halftracks) transport our troops up to those points. The objective areas are still a ways back yet, so I do not foresee us encountering a lot of resistance before we reach those objectives. That being said, at the first sign of enemy resistance, I want you guys to dismount ASAP. After we reach those objectives, assuming you haven't already, dismount and secure good firing positions. (I reserve the right to try to beg, plead, and cajole my way into more transportation from the tanks and halftracks later, however. ).

Blade6119's machinegun teams and my command squad will follow directly behind Blade's infantry up the middle. (Makes mental note to clearly distinguish between Blade and Blade6119). I'd like to request that kingfc22's Stugs stay close...those things are damn handy, and I'm sure we'll be calling on them at some point.

I leave individual platoon formations and the like up to my platoon commanders. I'd also like to state right now that if any of my platoon commanders have a recommendation or suggestion to speak up. I'm not (too) arrogant and am always open to suggestions and weighing other options.

And I'll try to be more timely with this thing from now on. Now mount up, boys! Time to kick some Russkie ass!
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