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Old 01-19-2004, 07:30 AM   #389
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Austin, TX
Originally Posted by Godzilla Blitz
Roll Call Thread is up and running! Go there and report back for duty!

Lokugh: I got a copy of that game in a trade but haven't played it yet. I've heard good and bad. Interested to see how things work.

Well, all I have played is the demo, which means I could not get into any of the strategy portions of the game (research, training and the like). But the combat portion is pretty nice. It is RTS, but works almost turn based, the way it is set up. You issue orders and then turn on the time so your soldiers carry them out. If one of them run out of orders, or something new occurs (one of them gets hit, or they see a new alien or some such) the time stops so you can issue new orders (or you can stop it yourself, if you like and change orders).

The alien creatures seem more...alien. Although the alien with the M16 seemed a bit strange (at least it looked like an M16...)

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