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Old 01-27-2003, 11:31 PM   #140
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Continued Growth

July 25, 1779 - Seeing the relations with many countires plumment after annexing Vijaynagar, I send a State Gift to Taungu and Dai Viet.

Our relations with Dai Viet improved somewhat. Our relations with Taungu also improved, but only marginally.

August 26, 1779 - Tchita expands and more colonists are shipped out.

November 8, 1779 - I order Chief Justices in Yanam and Madras.

December 12, 1779 - Our Inquisition to Taiwan was sucessful! The people there have coverted to the one true faith!

I order a Chief Justice to Taiwan.

December 20, 1779 - Our colonization attempt to Tchita has failed. I order more colonists in.

January 1, 1780 - Yanam is rebelling against our rule.

January 30, 1780 - Yanam rebels have been crushed.

April 18, 1780 - Tchita has expanded and more settlers take off from Bali.

May 1, 1780 - Madras are rebelling.

May 27, 1780 - The Madras rebellion has ended.

August 13, 1780 - Tchita expands and more colonists are dispatched.

December 6, 1780 - Tchita expands again and more settlers leave. I also order colonists to Sretensk.

January 19, 1781 - New Land has been Claimed in Bali. The population, manpower, and tax value there all increase.

March 1, 1781 - Our land tech has increased.

March 29, 1781 - Tchita expands.


Southeast of Buriat and west of Sretensk, the 1616 people of Tchita are shepherds, sending us 14 ducats annually and generateing 2 in trade at Ganges.

I order a Tax Collector here.

April 21, 1781 - Our explorer has died.

April 24, 1781 - We have founded a colony in Sretensk! I order colonists there.

August 16, 1781 - Sretensk expands and more settlers are en route.

December 4, 1781 - Sretensk again expands. More colonists are ordered upwards.

January 1, 1782 - Rajputana is rebelling again.

January 15, 1782 - We defeat the Jodhpur rebels.

February 3, 1782 - I send colonists to Birobidjan.

February 16, 1782 - A Great Noble Family has Requested Aid. I send them the requested 75 ducats.

March 2, 1782 - Frances offers us a Trade Agreement, which I accept.

March 29, 1782 - Sretensk expands and more settlers are issued.

May 4, 1782 - I send a State Gift to Russia. Our relations improve marginally.

May 16, 1782 - Birobidjan expands and more settlers are dispatched.

July 19, 1782 - Sretensk expands again and more colonists are ordered to complete Sretensk's colonization.

August 28, 1782 - Birobidjan expands and more colonists embark upon a northerly voyage.

November 13, 1782 - Sretensk expands.


East of Tchita and south of Kalar, the 1105 colonists here work the fur business and send us 13 ducats while shipping 3 to Shanghai.

I order a Tax Collector here.

Another odd alliance - The United States entreed into an alliance with the Ottoman Empire, Algiers, and Aden.

November 20, 1782 - Another State Gift is sent to Russia. This time our reltaions improve significantly.

December 13, 1782 - Birobidjan expands and additional colonists are sent out.

March 1, 1783 - Bangalore are rebelling against our rule. We defeat them in five days.

March 25, 1783 - Birobidjan expands.


Originally colonized a lonmg time ago and allowed to gorw, we have recently topped off this colony. Birobidjan is west of Amour and north of Manchu's Heilongjiang. 733 people export furs and send us 12 ducats while sending 6 to Shanghai.

I order walls built here.

April 1, 1783 - Mangalore is rebelling, now.

April 28, 1783 - Rebels in Mangalore have been crushed.

August 27, 1783 - We have signed a Trade Agreement with Algiers.

November 20, 1783 - Apparently an Omani Trading Post in Keren was destroyed by the natives there. They tried to set up a new one but it failed.

I order a Trading Post set up here myself.

Keren is adjacent to Ethopia and on the northern side of the Horn of Africa.

December 1, 1783 - The peasants in Mangalore are revolting again.

January 11, 1784 - We have crushed the rebels in Mangalore.

March 1, 1784 - Madras is rebelling.

April 4, 1784 - Our attempt to place a Trading Post in Keren has failed. I order another one to be placed there.

April 14, 1784 - We have gained an Explorer in Palakimedi.

April 20, 1784 - I order traders to Ekimcan, Baladok, Djagdi, and Zima.

May 29, 1784 - The rebels in Madras were defeated.

July 1, 1784 - Yanam is rebelling.

August 1, 1784 - Bangalore is rebelling.

August 4, 1784 - We have defeated the rebels in Yanam.

August 19, 1784 - We have established Trading Posts in Keren, Djagdi, Ekimcan, Baladok, and Zima.


August 28, 1784 - The Swedes attacked the natives in Keren and lost. The natives, riled up, burned down our Trading Post. I order a Colonist to the province.

October 7, 1784 - We defeat the rebels in Bangalore.

December 10, 1784 - Our Royal Marriage with Afghanistan has expired. We renew it.

December 21, 1784 - A gift of great worth has came today. Arakan has insulted us! We now have a Casus Belli against them for a year1.

January 1, 1785 - Yanam is rebelling.

February 1, 1785 - Our infrastructure tech has improved.

February 9, 1785 - Our troops land in Keren and attack the natives.

February 15, 1785 - We have failed to set up a colony in Keren. I ordera trader sent here.

February 22, 1785 - All trace of natives has been removed in Keren.

March 15, 1785 - I order a Naval Equipment Manufactory built in Johor.

June 30, 1785 - We have established a Trading Post in Keren. I order in colonists.

September 1, 1785 - Bangalore is rebelling against our rule.

October 7, 1785 - Colonial Dynamism has struck. We have gained a Conquistador and colonists.

October 24, 1785 - Bangalore's rbels are crushed.

October 27, 1785 - I send colonists to Kitimat and Sitka in the alaska regin.

November 14, 1785 - Keren expands and more colonists are en route.

March 20, 1786 - Keren expands. Additional settlers have been ordered to the African province.

April 1, 1786 - Mangalore is rebelling again.

April 24, 1786 - The Changtai Khanate has annexed the Uzbek Kaganate.

May 2, 1786 - The rebels have been crushed.

May 29, 1786 - Both Kitimat and Sitka have expanded and more colonists are on their way to both.

July 25, 1786 - Our colonization attempt to Keren has failed. More are ordered.

August 24, 1786 - Plague! has struck Goa. The population there is reduced by 1000.

November 29, 1786 - Keren has expanded again. Additional coonists emark for the Africa province.

December 26, 1786 - The heretics in Da Lat are rebelling after our attempt to convert them to the one true faith has failed.

January 3, 1787 - Da Lat rebels have been defeated.

January 5, 1787 - Kitimat and Sitka have both expanded.

I order Missionaries to Da Lat, Cambodia, and Raipur.

February 1, 1787 - Our land technology has increased.

March 25, 1787 - Our conquistador has discovered Igrim, above Sergino, but is attacked by natives. It looks to be a wealthy copper province. I retreat back to Sergino.

April 1, 1787 - Keren expands. I dispatch more settlers.

April 11, 1787 - Dai Viet had the Tay Son Rebellion. They chose to Crush the Rebels.

May 16, 1787 - Afghanistan demand that we come to their aid when Persia declares war upon them. I decline and our stability drops.

July 1, 1787 - We have again failed in our attempts to convert the masses in Irrawady and the peasants are revolting.

July 5, 1787 - We have discovered Vakhovska.

July 18, 1787 - Heretcis in Irrawady have been eliminated. The rebelling ones, rather.

August 4, 1787 - Our attempt to colonizae Keren has failed. I send in more colonists.

September 12, 1787 - We have discovered Surgut, another salt province.

I order a trader sent to Vakhovska.

November 1, 1787 - Our stability has increased.

November 12, 1787 - We have discovered Pimsk, yet another Salt province. I send a colonist here.

December 1, 1787 - Madras is rebelling against our rule.

December 7, 1787 - Keren expands and more colonists are on the way.

December 14, 1787 - We have discovered Kondinsk.

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