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Old 01-17-2004, 01:46 PM   #10
Join Date: Nov 2003
The first and most essential desicion we must make as a group (battalion?) is do we go far a methodical, cautious approach or a good ol' Deutsch Blitzkrieg? If the first then we should relegate the panzers to a primarily infantry support role, using the infantry to make the ground and clea all the wooded areas. If the second the panzers should be concentrated in one area of the map and sweep towards the enemy positions at speed, but not recklessly, with the infantry following behind mounted in halftracks. I personally prefer the Blitzkrieg option, after all if we wanted slow and methodical we would have chosen the Russians right?

If we Blitz we should keep in mind that the terrain looks much less wooded to the north (left on the top map). That means that area is probably where our panzers would prove more effective given the improved sight (less likley to be ambushed by a hiding AT team) and speed that comes from clearer terrain. The Pz-III's are quicker than the IV's (right, Cougar?) so they should probably take the position nearer the flank with the IV's inside them so that they from and echelon right formation by the time we contant the enemy (echelon right is a sloped line with the furthest forward vehicle on the left and the furthest back on the right, so the line 'faces' to the right. It means that firepower is more effectivley concentrated to the right of the formation, but poorer to the left). The StuG's should of course stay with the infantry as support regardless of whether we blitz or use more caution, they are basically motorized artillery with a bit of armour and can be deadly to enemy infantry packets and also buildings.
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