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Old 01-27-2003, 11:19 PM   #116
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
The Second Mataram-Bengali War, 1691-1692

April 28, 1691 - It turns out that the Bengal/Arakan/Vijaynagar alliance has just expired and they have not renewed it! Hence, a strike at Bengal now will be just against them!

We lose some stability for declaring war on a country we have a Royal marriage with, and now we are at war with the tiger.

I order my troops in Bundelkhand into Awadh. My calvary in Raipur is ordered to the Bengal capital of Bihar. And I will march my Arakan troops to Howrah.

I order my reserve troops in Hyderabad to Sambalpur.

May 8, 1691 - Our calvary has arrived in Bihar and battle has begun.

May 10, 1691 - Our a quick battle, the Bengali troops in Bihar has been massacred and we begin a siege of Bihar. I order my cannon to Raipur so they will be close by should we need them.

May 20, 1691 - Our forces have arrived in Awadh.

May 28, 1691 - Our forces from Santal have arrived in Howrah and the biggest battle begins.

June 7, 1691 - We have eliminated the Bengal forces in Awadh. I move to Tirhut.

June 15, 1691 - We have defeated the Bengal troops in Howrah! I order trrops left behind for a siege and move into Ganges.

July 6, 1691 - We have failed to set up a Trading Post in Chilka.

July 7, 1691 - The retreating Bengal troops arrive in Koch just as our troops from Awadh have made it over. Battle begins.

July 15, 1691 - The Siege of Ganges has begun.

July 16, 1691 - Our Inquisition in Brunei has failed and the Sunnis there are revolting.

July 22, 1691 - We have defeated the Bengals in Koch.

July 27, 1691 - The heretics in Brunei have been defeated.

September 12, 1691 - Bengal is regroupoing in Awadh. I order my reserve army in.

September 22, 1691 - Battle in Awadh has begun.

October 20, 1691 - We defeat the Bengal forces in Awadh.

I send 40 cannon to Bihar.

November 28, 1691 - We have defeated the remnants of Bengal in Tirhut. More troops are being built in Koch, Awadh and Tirhut.

January 10, 1692 - We have captured Bihar! I order the 40 cannon and 3000 calvary to Ganges.

March 4, 1692 - After minor skirmishes with new Bengal troops, we have eliminated most of their forces.

March 5, 1692 - Regional Heresy has occured. I choose to fund a suppression effort.

March 15, 1692 - Our Inquisition to Irrawady has failed.

April 1, 1692 - Brunei is revolting.

April 3, 1692 - We defeat the rebels in Irrawady.

April 8, 1692 - Every Bengal troop has been eliminated, although more are being built.

May 1, 1692 - Our stability has increased

July 5, 1692 - Bengal has entered into an alliance with Vijaynagar and Jodhpur. But it is too late for Bengal.

September 3, 1692 - We defeat the rebels in Brunei.

August 4, 1692 - Bengal offers us peace for Koch and Ganges. I accept.


Currently a Hindu country with a Sunni missionary trying to convert the province, the 130774 people of Koch work the cotten fields. Koch is above Howrah and Bihar and adjacent to Santal. The people are experiencing nationalism and are of Bengali descent. In 18 months we find out whether the missionary is sucessful. Koch sends us 22 ducats and ships 14 to Ganges.


The swampy delta of the Ganges River hosts a very wealthy people. With a level 3 fortress to keep people away, the Hindu and Bengali people here are experiencing nationalism. The 356971 people here make Ganges the largest province in Mataram. They export Chinaware, and send us 92 ducats annualy while creating 62 in Ganges's Center of trade.

I order a Governor in Ganges.

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