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Old 01-27-2003, 11:09 PM   #105
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
The End of Mataram's Second Gold Age. The Mughal-Mataram war of 1656-1658

April 3, 1656 - We have much to do over the next year. To begin, I order a Missionary to Irrawady.

May 12, 1656 - Austra refuses my peace entreaties.

June 3, 1656 - I send a Personal Gift to Dai Viet and oru relations are again maxed.

July 3, 1656 - Inhambane expands and more colonists are en route.

September 24, 1656 - Sweden and Courland turn down our Trade Agreement offer, but Poland agrees to one with us.

November 13, 1656 - The Mughal Empire declares war upon us. The Ottoman Empire joins their war. I call upon my allies for aid. China dares to dishonor our pact.

We have a Casus Belli against China for six months.

The Mughals appear fat and weak. I do not know why they have declared war upon us, but I intend to see it through.

I intend to see the Mughal state brought to knee.

I order my 50000 soldiers stationed in Malwa into Delhi where 22000 Mughal men await.

I order 15000 calvary from Gondwana into Bundelkhand to begin a siege.

I order 21000 men from Sambalpur to Raipur where 6000 Mughals are stationed.

I order 90 cannon from Khandesh into Gondwana to wait for a siege to begin.

I order the 19000 troops in Hyderabad into Malwa.

I am ready to strike like a serpent.

November 25, 1656 - Our calvary have arrived in Bundelkhand and initiate a siege.

November 27, 1656 - Mughals arrive in Bundelkhand and battle ensues.

November 28, 1656 - Our troops arrive in Delhi and Raipu where battle begins for both parties.

November 29, 1656 - We destroy the Mughals in both Raipur and Bundelkhand.

December 12. 1656 - We lose in Delhi but only 1000 Mughal troops remain. Our army is headed back to Malwa to regroup.

I order the calvary in Bundelkhand into Delhi.

I have a surprise for the Mughals. I move our domestic policy slider one notch to the defensive doctrine. Our Siege value for our troops goes back up, our shock value goes down, and we lose a bit of morale, plus a stability drop. But now, hopefully, we can capture cities much more quickly. And since I only around 1000 Mughal troops in the area, sieging will be more important.

I order cannon and infantry from Gondwana into Bundelkhand.

December 22, 1656 - Our calvary arrives in Delhi.

December 28, 1656 - Our calvary destroy the last Mughal forces in the city and The Siege of Delhi begins.

My goal, of course, is to capture Delhi and force it to us in peace negoiations.

January 1, 1657 - I arrive at a white peace with Austria.

Janaury 8, 1657 - I order 12000 infantry into Delhi from Malwa to help in the siege.

February 6, 1657 - Inhambane expands and i order more colonists there. I also order more colonists to Rabaul. And then I rid myself of any more colonization during the war.

February 20, 1657 - Vijaynagar has sent 40000 troops to besige Raipur with us. That is way too many, and I fear that attrition will kill more of us than the Mughals.

March 4, 1657 - Our Royal Marriage with the Mameluks has expired. We renew our vows.

April 5, 1657 - Vijaynagar leaves Raipur, for some inexplicable reason. I march in another couple of thousand so that we can continue our siege.

May 1, 1657 - Rabaul expands. They are now a full colony, but I don;t have time to look at them.

June 4, 1657 - 25000 mughals are marching towards Delhi. I order my remaining 27000 from Malwa into Delhi.

If the Mughals break us at Delhi, they'll have free reign to run amok in their Indian holdings. We must hold them here, at Delhi.

June 19, 1657 - Our army arrives in Delhi.

June 24, 1657 - 25000 Mughal troops - 98 cannon and 15531 infantry arrive at Delhi. not, for numbers purposes, a cannon takes 100 men to operation and guard, so 98 cannon is 9800 troops.

July 2, 1657 - We completely eliminate teh Mughal threat in Delhi.

September 1, 1657 - Our conversion effort to Malwa has failed and a revolt is occuring.

September 4, 1657 - We have captured Bundelkhand!

September 10, 1657 - Inhambane expands, but I have no time for affairs of colonizaton.

September 14, 1657 - We defeat the rebels in Malwa.

October 17, 1657 - The Mughals have launched an attack from the sea at us in Santal.

November 4, 1657 - Raipur has fallen to us!

November 6, 1657 - The Ottomans and Algiers have offered us a white peace and I accept.

November 7, 1657 - Austria declared war on the Mughals.

November 15, 1657 - We repel the Mughals from Santal, killing every last one.

December 1, 1657 - Our stability increased.

December 10, 1657 - Sieges of Awadh and Tirhut, the remaining Mughal provinces inside the line drawn by my troops, have begun.

December 17, 1657 - 19000 Mughals have appeared on teh boirder of Delhi. I order my Malwan army back to Delhi.

December 30, 1657 - 20422 Mughal infantry arrive in Delhi and assault my forces.

January 1, 1657 - 22000 more Mughals have appeard in Bikaner, next to Delhi. I order more troops built.

January 11, 1657 - Losing the battle in Dehi, and with 28000 more men, I order my troops into Malwa where we can regroup and expel the Mughals.

February 5, 1657 - As I feared, the Mughals have arrive to mess with our plans of conquest. 12000 Mughal troops have arrives in Bundelkhand, 6000 attack our forces in Atwadh.

Our forces have arrive back in Malwa and are regrouped. I order 34000 of my troops back into Delhi.

The other 15000 are ordered to Gondwana to chase down the Mughals.

February 20, 1658 - Our troops arrive back in Delhi and assualt the Mughal troops there.

February 26, 1658 - Losing, I order my sieging force in Awadh into Delhi. We destroyed the Mughal forces in Delhi.

March 1, 1658 - Several rebellions are sprouting up because my people are exhausted of war. This war needs to end sooner rather than later.

April 11, 1658 - Delhi is attacked by the Mughals.

April 20, 1658 - We lose a battle in Delhi versus the main Mughal army of 20000. I order armies of 22000 in Bundelkhand and 27000 in Malwa into Delhi to end this wave of troops.

May 1, 1658 - Our Trade Level has risen to Early Baroque (level 4). We get mroe money from trade, and we can now begin Trade Embargoes.

May 5, 1658 - Our armies arrive in Delhi.

May 12, 1658 - Our Royal Marriage with China has expired.

May 20, 1658 - We crush the Empire troops in Delhi and begin our siege again.

June 27, 1658 - Our army arrives in Awadh and attacks the 2500 Mughals there.

July 10, 1658 - We capture Tirhut!

July 13, 1658 - We defeat the Mughals in Awadh and begin a siege.

October 20, 1658 - Delhi falls to us! We can now demand Delhi in peace negotiations, which I now open. I demand Delhi from the Mughals.

They reject my offer of peace.

I order my troops to march further into Mughal territory. I won't stop unti I can take every last Mughal piece of land, or until they give in.

October 28, 1658 - The Mughals launch another assault by sea against Santal.

November 1, 1658 - Realizing their mistake, the Mughals offer me peace for Delhi, Raipur and Bundelkhand.

Delhi, I obviously want. Raipur is a poor little grain province, but it's of strategic value to me being so far into the territory I would take. Bundelkhand is of medium value to me with its Cloth exports.

I decide to take the Mughal offer.

I was unsure of my reputation. Taking provinces defensively, as I did, yields a smaller loss of repution, but a loss nevertheless. However, it appears that I am clear, and that Mataram escapes with a sullied, nut not completely sullied reputation.

November 2, 1658 - Rebels have captured Riau. I order soldiers there to reclaim our city.


A small, poor island of fishers behind New Guinea and the province of Wewak, Rabaul was successfully colonized during the war, and I now get a chance to look it over. 714 colonists work the tiny port city here, sending 10 ducats to us a 3 to Samar.

I order a Tax Collector built here.


Another successful colony during the war, Inhambane is on what I can only believe is the southern half of Africa, on the east coast. 793 people work the slave trade here. The port of Inhambane is completely adjacent to unexplored territory, except to the sea. The people in this port send us 10 ducats and ship 7 to Veneto (Venice) in trade. The area is highly unsuitable for colonization, and we are losing 2% of our population annually.

I order a Tax Collector built here as well. And some calvary.


Just captured in the war, Raipur is a grain province in upper India. Next to our provinces of Sambalpur, Bastar, Gondwana and Bundelkhand, Raipur could play a very strategic role in future wars. Currently expericeing nationalism because we took her in war, the 41223 people here are Sunni and of Hindi descent. She sends us 14 ducats to our coffers and 2 to Ganges in trade.

I order a Tax Collector built here as well.


A large and healthy province, the Sunni and Hindi people of Bundelkhand work cloth, creating 11 ducats in Kutch for trade, but sending us 23 ducats annually. Also experiencing nationalism, Bundelkhand has a level 3 fortress, makings assaults here difficult.


Ah, the crown jewel of our acquisitions. The 193747 people in this province make it our second largest, behind Malacca. The people here work Chinaware and send us 38 ducats annualy while creating 57 in trade at Kutch. Only Kutch itself sends more trade in. Also experiencing bouts of nationalism, the people here are Hindi and Sunni. Delhi has an Arts Academy and a level three fortress.

I order a Chief Justice placed here.

My work for today is done.

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