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Old 01-27-2003, 10:58 PM   #90
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
The Mughal-Mataram War of 1609

Janaury 1, 1609 - I have learned to be prepared for battle.

I begin by ordering our troops in Java into Surabaja. I also order my fleet in the area to start patrols for Mughal boats.

I keep all of my trrops at home, save a sieging force of 4000 calvary, 4000 infantry and 7 cannon bound for Sambalpur.

I'll let the Mughals lose troops attacking me, then I'll wipe up the mess.

I change our demestic polices to favor a more land oriented policy. Our stability drops, but the morale of our ground troops should increase.

I order 5000 infantry and 5000 calvary built in Goa and Maharashtra. I have stationed 5 transports in Goa. I'll load the 10000 men and sneak behind the Mughal lines and assault them fromt the rear.

We are prepared this time.

January 17, 1609 - The 20000 troops from Bombay arrive in Khandesh.

I won't have time to send out colonists during thew war, so I send our last ones to New Zealand.

January 21, 1609 - Our army begins to siege Sambalpur.

January 27, 1609 - We begin to siege Surabaja.

February 13, 1609 - The Mughal Empire attacks my army in Bastar.

February 17, 1609 - We are attacked by the Mughals in Khandesh.

The tricky Empire puts an army in Bombay.

February 19, 1609 - The Mughals attack us in Sambalpur. There are a lot of battles going on right now. India is awash with blood as Hindu clashes against Muslem.

February 22, 1609 - I am forced to retreat in Bastar. The Mughals were just to much for us I order my troops back to Palakimedi where we will regroup.

Bastar is besigned by Mughal troops.

March 7, 1609 - We completely eliminate the Mughals from Khandesh.

March 10, 1609 - We defeat the Mughals in Sambalpur and continue our siege.

March 14, 1609 - Surabaja as fallen to us!

March 20, 1609 - The Mughals who were in Bombay have now arrived in Khandesh and are attacking my forces there.

April 8, 1609 - The Mughals are again completely eliminated in Khandesh.

April 9, 1609 - Our roving fleets in the Java Sea have found a Mughal straggler.

April 11, 1609 - Aden declared war on the Mughal Empire. Their allies Arakan, Vijaynagar and Bengal have joined them.

April 16, 1609 - We found a colony in Macquarie.

April 23, 1609 - Our 10000 troops meant as a harassing force have boarded the transports. I will send them to Indus.

May 4, 1609 - 24000 Mataram forces have arrives in Malwa and lay siege to the city.

May 14, 1609 - We lose that naval battle in the Java Sea.

We are attacked by the Mughals in Sambalpur. I have ordered my men in Palakimedi into Sambalpur to reinforce our troops there.

May 28, 1609 - We defeat the troops in Sambalpur. I ordre my troops to continute into Raipur.

May 30, 1609 - Our invasion force in Malwa is under attack by the Mughals.

June 3, 1609 - We defeat the Mughal calvary in Malwa. They'll be back though - nearly 10000 survived.

June 6, 1609 - We are attacked in Sambalpur.

June 13, 1609 - Our army arrives in Gondwana from Khandesh. We meet mughal resistance.

June 20, 1609 - We defeat the Mughals in Gondwana.

June 25, 1609 - The Mughals attack us again in Gondwana.

June 28, 1609 - We emerge victorious again in Gondwana.

June 29, 1609 - Our harassing force of 10000 lands in Indus and begins a siege.

We are attacked in Gondwana agin.

July 6, 1609 - We are defeated in Sambalpur. We willregroup and try pushing again.

July 7, 1609 - Nippon offers us a white peace. I accept.

July 10. 1609 - Mughal forces arrive in Bastar and begin a siege.

July 21, 1609 - We lose a battle in Gondwana.

July 24, 1609 - We find that Mughal warship in the Java Sea and attack again.

August 2, 1609 - Mauchu offers us peace, but I decline. I want China to defaat them and gain some land.

August 28, 1609 - We found a colony in Whangerai, the northernmost province in New Zealand.

September 1, 1609 - We sink the Mughal warship in the Java Sea.

September 9, 1609 - I order our army in Palakimedi into Bastar to defeat the Mughals besieging my city.

September 16, 1609 - Our harassing force in Indus is under attack.

September 21, 1609 - We defeat the army in Indus just in time for 12000 calvary from the Mughals to arrive. If i want to defeat calvary, I can't do it here in the plains of Indus.

There is a swamp, Kushka, two provinces away. I'll march for Kushka if it looks like i'm losing in Indus.

October 2, 1609 - The Mughals attack us in Malwa again.

October 4, 1609 - We eliminate the Mughals in Indus. Excellent. But, we only have 2734 calvary left - not enough to besiege a single city. I order the Indus calvary to run around and pillage the provinces. We'll start with Qandahar, adjacent to Indus.

October 6, 1609 - The Mughals offer us peace and 130 ducats. I send the head of their envoy to the shiek of the masque in Samarkhand, their capital.

October 9, 1609 - Our army arrives in Bastar to relieve the good people there of the mughal presence.

October 10, 1609 - Persia declares war aginst the Mughal Empire. Baluchistan joins Persia.

October 21, 1609 - We win two battles. We destroy the Mughals in both Malwa and Bastar.

November 5, 1609 - I split off 10000 men and send them back to Sambalpur. The rest will move to Khandesh.

November 19, 1609 - The Mughal Empire assaults our forces in Malwa.

November 28, 1609 - Our Inquisition in Riau has failed and a rebellion is taking place.

December 2, 1609 - We are defeated in Malwa. I order my forces back to Khandesh to regroup.

December 11, 1609 - Gondwana is under siege by our forces.

January 1, 1610 - I order troops built in Palakimedi, Bombay and Goa.

January 19, 1610 - We defeat the Riau rebels.

January 20, 1610 - Matarami forces in Gondwana are under attack.

February 4, 1610 - Our forces arrive back in Malwa.

February 17, 1610 - We defeat the Mughal forces in Gondwana.

May 25, 1610 - We lay siege to Raipur.

June 1, 1610 - Our stability has increased.

July 16, 1610 - We are attacked in Gondwana.

July 28, 1610 - Our army in Raipur is under attack.

August 3, 1610 - We capture Sambalpur.

We lose in Gondwana.

August 24, 1610 - Our army arrives in Gondwana and eliminates the resistance.

October 18, 1610 - Our army arrives in Delhi and begins a siege.

January 8, 1611 - I send colonists to the two remaining uncolonized provines on New Zealand - Taranaki and Timaru.

February 9, 1611 - We are driven out of Raipur.

June 3, 1611 - We initiate another siege in Raipur.

Our blockade is working perfectly. By having two huge sieging armies in Malwa and Dalhi, the Mughals cannot cross. I have 22000 in Malwa and 37000 in Delhi. I can now siege at my leisure.

August 4, 1611 - Bengal is joining my siege of Raipur. It's just a grain province, and I don't want it that much, But it will give me leverage at the negiotating table.

August 29, 1611 - Begal has left my siege just as fast as they came.

September 3, 1611 - A colony at Timaru is established.

September 9, 1611 - A colony is founded at Taranaki.

We are losing the battle in Raipur. I retreat to bastar.

September 11, 1611 - I order colonists to Towoomba.

September 17, 1611 - I send Hyderabad a Personal Gift. Our relations are maxed.

Decmeber 22, 1611 - Towoomba expands. I send more colonists.

December 23, 1611 - Bengal and I begin sieging Raipur again.

February 23, 1612 - The Mughals have built a few troops behind my wall and assault us in Raipur.

March 22, 1612 - The Mughals defeat the Bengal/Mataram forces in Raipur.

March 28, 1612 - We capture Delhi!

April 5, 1612 - Tomoomba expands. I send more colonists.

May 26, 1612 - Our regrouped army arrives in Gondwana amind Mughal resistance.

June 3, 1612 - The Mughals are offering peace for Surabaja, Sambalpur and Gondwana.

Do I take their offer?

Sure, I'd rather have Malwa, maybe even Delhi herself.

I look at Gondwana, and she is not a poor province. Not that wealthy, either.

I decline the Empire's offer of peace. At least this time I let teh envoy keep his head.

June 20, 1616 - I move our army from Delhi into Bundelkhand where the Mughals are amassing a force to expel me from Malwa. Wanting Malwa, I dece to attack the Mughals in force.

June 28, 1612 - We completely destroy the 19000 Mughal troops. I order my army into into Awadh to siege them there.

July 19, 1612 - Towoomba expands. I send more colonists.

July 27, 1612 - The Siege of Awadh begins.

August 28, 1612 - Malwa falls!

October 1, 1612 - Kwai revolts.

October 2, 1612 - The Mughals are offering Surabaja, Sambalpur, Malwa, and Gondwana.

I accept.


54835 people work harvesting tea here in quiet Sambalpur. This province is located directly behind Orissa and adjacent to the Bengali capital in Bihar. She gives us 12 ducats annually and sends 18 to Ganges in trade. The people of Sambalpur are Sunni and of Bengali decent. She is currently experiencing a bout of nationalism.


A quaint province north of Khandesh and Bastar, Gondwana's primary export is cotton, which the 37727 people work. Gondwana sends us 16 ducats and 11 to Kutch. The people here are of Hindi descent and celebrate Allah as Sunnis. Also under nationalism.


Another Sunni province, the people of Malwa were once independant Hindus, but no more. The 46264 people here send 19 ducats to us annually when we tax their cotton crop. 12 ducats are sent to Kutch. Malwa has a level three fortress, and it is in the mountains. A good combination. Malwa is also undergoing nationalism.

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