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Old 01-27-2003, 10:55 PM   #85
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
The Regency of Janlanava

Atahari I: January 1, 1419 - April 17, 1438
Kasuri: April 17, 1438 - January 10, 1470
Atahari II: January 10, 1470 - May 3, 1477
Sanjay: May 3, 1477 - January 11, 1508
Natarajan: January 11, 1508 - July 3, 1541
Atahari V: July 3, 1541 - September 28, 1541
Prabajavarnesti: October 1, 1541 - November 5, 1588
Saterjlan: November 5, 1588 - October 23, 1601
Janlanava: October 23, 1601 - ???

Saterjlan decides to retire today. His wife unexpectedly gave birth, not to one child, but three! As such, he is dedicating himself to helping his wife and family. He has agreed to take over the stress-free Minister of Religion position again, And I have taken over the Regency from the Ministry of relion, as has become our custom

Saterjlan was arrogant, but his regency was mixed. He lost Surabaja to the Mughals, but I know he though rebels would take Surabaja back. Yet, there has not been a single rebellion in Surabaja in the 11 years it is has been occupied by the Mughals.

Still, Saterjlan has been wonderful at colonizing and getting us allies. We are alive right now because Saterjlan fortified the Mughal borders heavily.

There are 20000 Matarami soldiers in Bombay, 27000 in Khandesh and 31000 in Berhapur. Additionally, Saterjlan allied us with Mysore and Vijaynagr, in addition to China and Korea. He prepared us for another war with the Mughals, or with anybody else who might come along.

So, he learned from his mistake, and we continue to hope that Surabaja will revolt.

The goals of Saterjlan were:

1). Fully discover the island of Samar and drive the English from it.

2). Gain vassals with other countries.

3). Continue exploring along the coast of these islands I see that appear in many places to be uninhabitable. Also continue exploring the Indian Ocean.

4). Begin coverting the Buddhists and Muslims to the One True Religion.

We have discovered Samar, but have not taken it. We are also along the path to establishing a vassalage with Mysore. We have explored around these large islands - Australia and New Guinea, plus we have founded colonies along them and have explored New Zealand. So that is finised. The religious conversions have yet to take place.

Now, his predecessor's goals were:

The earliest goals of Atahari I, who created the office in which I now labor, were:

1). Quickly expand. Either by colonization or conquest. Or a mixture of the two.
2). Establish economic stability.
3). Eliminate the Islamic competition in the Indies.
4). Establish an outpost on the mainland. This will have to be done by conquest.
5). Control all of Indonesia.
6). Drive out and keep out any forces or establishments from other areas, including Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
7). Convert the Islamic territories to Hinduism.
8). Become an economic superpower.

Here then, are Natarajan's goals for Mataram:

1). Annex Atjeh
2). Annex Champa politically
3). Continue to expand up the Malaysian Peninsula via Ayutthaya.
4). Do not fear Indian colonization as my predecessors, and establish a colony in Pondicherry.
5). Discover Manchu officially and then get a Trade Agreement with them so I can expand set up merchants in the Center of Trade in Kyoto.

Most of the old goals have been completed. However, a few have been renewed. That is why Samar's colonization by England stings so badly. After reviewing the goals of my predecessors, here are mine:

1). Take Samar. Eventually. Currently there is no real way to do this.

2). Begin sending missionaries to provinces.

3). More our domestic policies towards a more land-oriented system.

4). Finish colonizing Oceania.

5). Vassalize Mysore, and others if the opportunity presents itself.

Our crusade, in every form, begins on the morrow.

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