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Old 01-27-2003, 10:41 PM   #61
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Spreading Her Seed

July 26, 1524 - Fahti's explorations and our subsequent taking of most of the islands and provinces left in the Indies will leave us with a good 15 years of hard colonization to settle.

Now he is bound to Pondicherry and to explore the Indian subcontinent. I do not know what he will find there, but I hesitate. India is a land of riches and hard politics, wars and rewards. We could gain a lot by colonizing what is left of her.

I like Tindore as our first colonization of the newly explored isles. I order colonists there. My minister claims a 78% chance of settlement.

October 4, 1524 - Tindore expands.

December 2, 1524 - Our alliance with Champa has expired. I offer a new one to her and she accepts.

January 5, 1525 - Delhi annexes Gujarat.

March 6, 1525 - Fahti lands in Pondicherry with 2917 calvary. I order 4000 more built in Pondicherry. I order Fahti into lands that I think are owned by antoher country for now.

April 22, 1525 - With the new need for colonization, I decide to move our country closer to Free Trade policies. Our syability declines, but we will get more settlers annually.

May 2, 1525 - Our conquistador discovered the country of Mysore. I send an envoy and we enter into a Trade Agreement. A vassal of Vijaynagar, Mysore does not like us, but at least they are fellow Hindus.

June6, 1525 - Our calvary are fuilly equipped and trained and I now order Fahti into unexplored, possibly neutral territory.

July 11, 1525 - A Great Noble Family Requests Aid again. I decide to grant themn that aid at a loss of 75 ducats from the treasury.

July 16, 1525 - Our exploratory unti has discoverd Madurai, the tip of the Indian Peninsula. There are 10000 natives of average aggressiveness. The export is Naval Supplies. I order a Trading Post set up abd Fahti into another territory.

July 3-, 1525 - For some reason beyond my comprehension, China has declared war upon me. I decide not to cal upon Champs to help - they could get crushed and eliminated against a heavy hitter like China.

I order our War Fleet to pick up soldiers in Perak. Meanwhile, I order 2000 infantry built in Sabah. I send a small fleet of 3 galleys and 5 transports to Sabah.

August 26, 1525 - Fahti discovers Trivandrum! This appears to be a moderately wealthy spice province with 8000 moderatley aggresive natives. I order a trading post built here as well, and Fahti into another territory.

October 4, 1525 - After boarding 14000 soliders from perak, I order the war fleet to Taiwan.

October 8, 1525 - We discover Cochin. Cochian has 6000 medium aggressiveness natives that work Chinaware. I send a trader and move Fahti again.

October 28, 1525 - Our trading post failed to be set up in Madurai.

November 17, 1512 - Fahti arrives in a neutral province called Kerala. The natives attack him upon entering. This is a fish colony with around 12000 natives of medium aggressiveness. I order Fathi back to Cochin. Don't want to kill natives who might be a good resource.

December 12, 1512 - We set up a Trading Post in Trivandrum.

December 13, 1525 - The 2000 infantry from Sabah arrive in Midoro. I order them into the Chinese trading post of Luzon.

December 23, 1525 - There is a small possibly undiscovered province higher up India's coast. I send Fahti there to investigate.

January 2, 1526 - Our small army arrives in the Chinese Trading Post of Luzon. I burn the trading post and order colonists in.

January 10, 1526 - Our war fleet runs into the Chinese off the coast of Da Lat. January 26, 1526 - We establish a Trading Post in Cochin.

February 16, 1526 - The Chinese burn down the Cochin Trading Post. I order a colonist into Cochin.

February 23, 1526 - We discover the province of Palakimedi. Apparently a rich spice province, there are no natives here. I order a colonist sent here.

February 25, 1526 - We won a battle versus China in the ocean but we lost a galley.

March 29, 1526 - The Chinese arrive in Pondicherry and begin a siege.

April 14, 1526 - My fleet arrives in the Sea of Taiwan. I order my army to disembark.

April 27, 1526 - Our colonization attempt in Luzon failed and the natives are revolting.

May 6, 1526 - We demoralize the natives in Luzon enough to send them away, despite being outnumbered greatly.

My 10, 1526 - We land in and capture Taiwan.

June 1, 1526 - Our stability increased.

June 30, 1526 - I order a trading poost built in Luzon.

July 26, 1526 - I order our army in Taiwan into the war fleet and then to Shanghai.

September 1, 1526 - We establish a new colony in Palakmedi.

September 2, 1526 - Our attempt to set up a Trading Post in Luzon failed.

September 26, 1526 - I offer China a white peace but they refuse.

October 24, 1526 - I order a Trading Post built in Kerala.

December 15, 1526 - Chinsa sends a peace envoy. They will accept peace for 34 ducats. I reluctantly agree. China has a land tech of 10. I will never be able to take them on land.

February 15, 1527 - We fail to set up a Trading Post in Kerala.

February 20, 1527 - The failure in Kerala has insensed the natives who are now attacking our Fahti.

Februry 27, 1527 - We defeat the natives in Kerala. I order Fahti back to Pondicherry.

March 15, 1527 - I order more colonists to Luzon.

May 1, 1527 - I order a State Gift sent to Mysore. Our relations improve enourmously.

July 5, 1527 - Luzon is successfully colonized. I order a Trading Post built in Kerala.

July 10, 1527 - I send a Personal Gift to Mysore. Our relations improve significantly.

September 19, 1527 - I send a letter to Mysore. Our relations improve a little more.

October 27, 1527 - We successfuly set up a Trading Post in Kerala.

December 9, 1527 - I order a trader sent to Madurai.

January 3, 1528 - I send a Personal Gift to Mysore. Our relations are maxed.

February 5, 1528 - I offer to trade discoveries with Mysore. They accept. I find some more countries on the Mysore maps.

I enter into a Trade Agreement with Jodhpur, Mughal Empire and Baluchistan.

We also discover the entire Indian subcontinent. Portugal has established a Trading Post in Goa. The province of Bombay is still neutral. Plus, the island of Ceylon has two provinces on it, one of which is neutral. I send Fahti to the ships to check the other half of the island.

March 21, 1528 - Our Trading Post is set up in Madurai.

April 29, 1528 - Fahti has unloaded into Jaffna. Jaffna is a dent Spice colony with 2600 very aggressive natives. I order Fahti to attack the natives and wipe them out.

May 7, 1528 - All trace of native life in Jaffna has been destroyed. I order group of colonists in.

September 6, 1528 - Both Bombay and Colombo, the two remaining neutral provinces, exceedingly hostile natives and very difficult settlement chances without killing all of the natives. Bombay has 10000 natives and Colombo has 15000. I decide to steer clear of those provinces for now.

October 23, 1528 - Our colonization attempt to Jaffna is ture and we have built a new city there. I order more colonists to Tindore.

November 5, 1428 - I offer a Trade Agreement with Uzbek but they decline. I then sign a Trade Agreement with Oman and Mameluks who, for some reason, have the provinces of Fars and Hormouz: EAST of Isfahan.

December 23, 1528 - Tindore expands.

February 22, 1529 - I order 4000 infantry built in Pondicherry.

March 12, 1529 - We enter into a trade agreement with Aden.

April 12, 1529 - We enter into a Trade Agreement with Persia.

May 22, 1529 - I order 2000 more calvary built in Pondicherry.

June 19, 1529 - I order colonists into Tindore.

August 19, 1529 - Tindore expands.

August 21, 1529 - Our calvary is built. I order 9000+ calvary into ships.

September 11, 1529 - The Sale of Offices occures. Do I sell off governmental offices in Surabaja, gaining 100 ducats but Surabaja loses one taxvalue? Or, alternatively, do I decline the sale but lose five victory points?

I choose the money. I sell off the offices.

October 5, 1529 - Our army arrives in Jaffna. I order them onto Colombo.

October 22, 1529 - Battle is joined in Jaffna.

October 30, 1529 - we win a battle in Jaffna and destory all of the natives. I send off colonists.

December 23, 1529 - Myanmar became the vassals of Tibet.

January 1, 1430 - More colonists are dispatched to Tindore. Uzbek declines a Trade Agreement.

March 3, 1530 - Tindore expands.

April 17, 1530 - We establish a colony in Colombo.

May 28, 1530 - Our Royal Marriage with Vijaynagar expired.

June 25, 1530 - Our conquistador lands in Bombay. I order them to attack the natives.

July 7, 1530 - All natives in Bombay are eliminated, essentially ending any native threat. I send in colonists.

August 1, 1530 - Our Royal Marriage with Orissa expired. We restablish coital relations.

August 9, 1530 - Another set ofcolonists heads out towards Tindore.

October 10, 1530 - Tindore expands and becomes a full fledged colony. We press on.

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