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Old 01-27-2003, 10:39 PM   #56
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Choosing Destiny - Taking Atjeh

It is becoming increasingly clear to me that war with Atjeh will not come to us. We have been unable to obtain a Casus Belli with Atjeh for 40 years now. Nor have they declared war upon anybody else.

As such, I have decided to take the drastic step of declaring war without a Casus Belli. We will lose some stability, but taking Ajeh will be worth it, I feel.

March 23, 1514 - I declare war upon Atjeh and call upon my allies the Champa to join me. They join as requested.

I order the Riau army into Ajeh and the war fleet into the Coast of Ajeh.

March 24, 1514 - Our Royal Marriage with Tibet has expired. They reject our proposal for another.

April 18, 1514 - Our army enters Ajeh and battle with the 1000 infantry there goes quickly.

April 28, 1514 - We wipe out the Atjeh army and begin our siege of Ajeh.

April 30, 1514 - Atjeh sends a peace envoy. Do they think I declared war on them without a Casus Belli for the fun of it? Or for the 10 ducats they offer? Hardly.

July 5, 1514 - Champa's forces join ours in Ajeh.

September 26, 1514 - We set up a colony in Vanin.

October 4, 1514 - Several other wars have started in the past two days. Vijaynagar declared war on Hyderabad, Orissa joined Vijaynagar, and Assam declared war on Myanmar.

December 1, 1514 - We capture Ajeh. I go personally to Atjeh and demand their annexation. With our cannons and calvary outside their walls and our infantry set up in their city, with a huge fleet in their harbor, Atjeh has no choice but to surrender to us.

Atjeh is no more. All that reamins is just another province in the Mataram empire.

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