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Old 01-27-2003, 10:37 PM   #53
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
The Regency of Natarajan

Atahari I: January 1, 1419 - April 17, 1438
Kasuri: April 17, 1438 - January 10, 1470
Atahari II: January 10, 1470 - May 3, 1477
Sanjay: May 3, 1477 - January 11, 1508
Natarajan: January 11, 1508 - ???

Upon my mentor's retirment I have taken control of the Regency of Mataram. I consider my vows and office most holy and sacred, and shall endeavor to fulfill the promise of my predecessors.

My mentor had several goals that he wanted to accomplish during his time. He wanted to set up a merchant camp completely in Ganges, which he did. He wanted to to annex Atjeh, which never happened. He also wanted to finish colonizing the known Indies, which he did. He oversaw the conversion of Sabah to Hindu. And lastly, he wanted to build up our infrastructure, which he has done tremendously.

Mataram has been blessed by his rule.

The earliest goals of Atahari I, who created the office in which I now labor, were:

1). Quickly expand. Either by colonization or conquest. Or a mixture of the two.
2). Establish economic stability.
3). Eliminate the Islamic competition in the Indies.
4). Establish an outpost on the mainland. This will have to be done by conquest.
5). Control all of Indonesia.
6). Drive out and keep out any forces or establishments from other areas, including Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
7). Convert the Islamic territories to Hinduism.
8). Become an economic superpower.

Of these goals, 1,2,4 and 5 to the extent possibe have all been completed. When we annex Atjeh, 3 and 6 will also be seen finished. That leavesthe last two goals of Atahari I left to be seen through.

Here then, are my goals for Mataram:

1). Annex Atjeh
2). Annex Champa politically
3). Continue to expand up the Malaysian Peninsula via Ayutthaya.
4). Do not fear Indian colonization as my predecessors, and establish a colony in Pondicherry.
5). Discover Manchu officially and then get a Trade Agreement with them so I can expand set up merchants in the Center of Trade in Kyoto.

Five simple tasks. I begin to look for openings.

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