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Old 01-16-2004, 05:39 AM   #137
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
Almighty and everyone for that matter,

To answer your question - because dice are used as the engine behind the game, it's obviously pretty random. Two golfers set up almost identically can have totally different results on the same course. For instance, Mayes and Silvers golfers are about as close as you can get and Mayes is 14 under while Silvers just missed the cut.

However, based on the course being played, diffent strengths/skills will be tested more often. This course of instance requires more Driving Lenth checks and less Driving Accuracy checks than most. It has more Sand checks because of the number of bunkers (and is a big reason why so may golfers shot in the mid 70s). However, that said - it doesn't mean if you have a low Driving Length number you can't be successful. You could actually go the entire tourney and never check against that skill, or you could check that skill and roll that dispite the fact it's not your strength you still hit an adequate drive.

The attributes selected come into play the same regardless of course, but some attributes won't kick in until the weekend. Some however do, for instance Babson is a inconsistent player - during the 3rd round (I think it was the 3rd) at Pebble he rolled to have a terrible day, which is why is score was so high, but he had a roll for a good day yesterday which helped him play to 3 under. Numerous times the scramble ability and CM ability have come into play. I try to give you a hint as to when in my write ups, but this time out I was in a bit of a hurry so quite a few were left out.

To give you a little more specific idea of the game. Typically a roll of 7, 9, or 11 will cause a skill check. The skill being checked will depend on the hole and the toughness on the hole will indicate if it is a chance for birdie or an attempt to save par. Most of the hole details I give out are on holes that required a check.

Then finally there are the adjustments based on style of play, and the course highlights. On the adjustments there is 1 roll that is capable of dropping your base score significantly. That is a HUGE wildcard in the game, and it can overcome other bad rolls with one pass. I've hit that wildcard number 5 times in 6 rounds so far. There is of course a roll that causes the exact opposite to occure, and I've hit that a few times as well. On weekends the wildcard roll may be modified depending on the course. Like at Pebble where the roll would only lower your score half of what it lowered it on the first and second rounds. It is also possible depending on the couse to have 2 bad wildcard rolls possible for weekend rounds.

I guess I'm saying there are a lot of veribles, but that certain golfers will have better probabilities at specific courses.

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Last edited by Breeze : 01-16-2004 at 06:06 AM.
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