Thread: Who are you?
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Old 01-15-2004, 06:15 PM   #115
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Oct 2000
1. What is your first name?

Kris. Yes, I'm a guy and I spell my name with a 'K'. Dammit.

2. What does your online name mean?

Daedalus is my favourite mortal from Greek mythology. I was going to go ahead and become a wizard on the MUD I was on at the time and daedalus seemed like a good name for a coder who is suppose to create.

3. What City do you live in?

Long Beach, CA.

4. How old are you?


5. What team do you root for and why?

Besides UNC's basketball team (because of Coach Smith) and Arsenal (because I played them in CM since they were the only team I knew besides Manchester and I wouldn't be able to stand being Manchester United), whatever team plays good basketball, baseball or football.

6. What do you do for a living or are you in school?

In spite of having been in college for forever and a half now, I still need to finish up my last 4-5 classes for my Computer Science degree. Too many breaks to go make money to pay rent is bad for finishing up school. So I'm currently toiling for Gameworks Long Beach as a "bowling host".

7. How long have you been playing FOF?

Started playing FOF2 the week after Thanksgiving when the EA Support people came back and transferred my case to Dan Wassen who rescued me from Digital River's incompetencies.

8. How did you find out about this website?

I think I google'd and found the old Sideline when I was having trouble with getting FOF to work due to Digital River's incompetencies. Stayed around when I read OldGiants' and QuikSand's insightful posts. Knew I found an online "home" when I clashed with mckerney in one of my first posts and other "veterans" backed me up.

9. Something interesting about you?

Hrm. I'm pretty damn boring. Can't really think of anything else other than the fact that I'm still fairly fluent in Thai and I've been told that my English is pretty solid for having learned it as a second language. Oh, and I supposedly look scary to some people since I look like the typical villain in martial arts movie - big, fat Asian dude with long hair and scraggly facial hair - so people think I'm well-versed in martial arts even though I only did Shotokan for a little less than a year.
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