Thread: Who are you?
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Old 01-15-2004, 02:03 PM   #87
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: The Great Northwest
1. What is your first name? Dan/Daniel
2. What does your online name mean? Well it's Dan and then Garion, Garion is a character from books by David Eddings named Belgarion.
3. What City do you live in? The O.C. you know like the TV show? I pass the Big A (Home of the Anaheim Angels) everyday on my way to work.
4. How old are you? Just turned 28
5. What team do you root for and why? Depends on the sport. 49ers because when I started to like football they were the best late 80's, Chargers because they are our local team. USC because it's the first football game I remember ever seeing and I wanted to do there.
6. What do you do for a living or are you in school? Right now I'm a supervisor for Time Warner Cable for our high speed internet service. I'm probably going to be a trainer for the whole company very soon one I have my interview.
7. How long have you been playing FOF? Four months.
8. How did you find out about this website? OOTP
9. Something interesting about you? I can drink a bottle of beer in 10.5 seconds.
Los Angeles Dodgers
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