Thread: Who are you?
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Old 01-15-2004, 10:21 AM   #51
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
1. What is your first name? Colton, aka Dead Sexy
2. What does your online name mean? Despie popular belief i stole this from the movie, i picked this name as my aol account when i was a kid(long before the movies). I used to be a big-time hockey player, and Blade refers the the blade on the hockey stick.
3. What City do you live in? Im currently in scottsdale, AZ...but my heart is still in St. Louis
4. How old are you? 16
5. What team do you root for and why? Everything from St. Louis and Mizzou
6. What do you do for a living or are you in school? Im in highschool right now, and work part-time at office max
7. How long have you been playing FOF? 3-4 years now...
8. How did you find out about this website? I honestly dont remember...somehow stumbled upon it. Never dreamed i would become this "addicted" to it.
9. Something interesting about you? Drew Barrymore is my cousin , and im by far the coolest teenager on the board(looks over at illinifan )
The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the lawnmower.
It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black.
Sometimes the best solution to morale problems is just to fire all of the unhappy people.

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