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Old 01-15-2004, 10:07 AM   #77
College Prospect
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Indianapolis, IN, USA
A lot changes in seven, eight years, doesn't it? Of course the landscape of racing and the IRL will change from year-to-year. Racing changed from year-to-year before the birth of the IRL. You could take quotes for any industry 7-8 years ago and point out flaws in people's vision. It's business. I don't see the point of all of this?

As for the last quote, I would hope Tony George would hope the IRL is the premier racing series in five to ten years. Even though it wouldn't happen, you need to be optimistic about the future of the series. If you just concede to NASCAR and F1, you will fail Just ask CART about that.

It's amazing that people are still bitter over the split that happened almost 10 years ago. I was bitter when it happned, but continued to watch both series' over the next few years until CART got so boring I couldn't stand it anymore. The IRL had more exciting races and as more and more drivers made the jump to IRL, I had no other reason to even tune into a CART race.

I'm not saying the IRL is the premier racing series in the world, but they have definitely put on a better show than CART over the past two years.
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